Meet Trayce Bradford

Meet Trayce Bradford

Trayce Bradford is a mother of 7 beautiful children, wife of 31 years, grandmother of 3 and a native Texan and faithful citizen of these United States of America.

She served as President of Texas Eagle Forum for the past 4 1/2 years, and before that served as President for Dallas Eagle Forum for 4 years. Additionally, she founded Tarrant County Eagle Forum in 2012.

Trayce has a passion for biblical truth, self-government, the preservation of life, and the freedoms mandated by the Constitution and was able to translate those interests into active engagement through Eagle Forum.

During her time as president with Dallas and Tarrant County Eagle Forum, those groups hosted a Federal Senatorial Forum that included all six candidates; educated group members on critical subjects such as human trafficking, pro-life issues, religious liberties, and security for our Texas Grid – to name just a few. Trayce was presented an Outstanding Eagle Award by Eagle Forum founder, Phyllis Schlafly. She currently serves as the Eagle Forum National Issues Chair on Human Trafficking.

Preparing for the 2013-2021 Texas legislative sessions, Trayce actively campaigned and developed relationships with many members in the Texas Senate and Texas House. During that season, Trayce represented Texas at various conferences and coalitions around the nation – including a meeting with a select group of leaders and the commander of Randolph Joint Base San Antonio to address protecting our state’s electric grid and its impact on our military. She was presented along with several other Texans the Patriot Award from the Center for Security Policy in Washington D. C.

Prior to her active involvement in government and politics, Trayce led several prayer teams, most notably being the Dallas Prayer Coordinator for Promise Keepers for 10 years. She now serves on their Women’s Advisory Board.  She continues to lead and participate in intercessory prayer teams for our country, political leaders and pastors. She serves as the Legislative Specialist for the Texas Apostolic Prayer Network and coordinates prayer calls and strike prayer teams.

As a graduate of Texas A&M, Trayce earned a marketing degree – leveraging those skills to influence her children and friends to get involved and make a difference in this world. Currently, she homeschools her youngest child age 13, and graduated her six oldest children, ages 32 to 19.